How to Virtual Conference

đŸ’» New to virtual conferencing or need a refresher? Here are a few tips for presenting at #SWPACASalon23!


Slide 1: A yellow circle in the middle with “Tips for Summer Salon,” surrounded by 5 smaller orange circles: “1: Prep & practice”; “2: Check your tech”; “3: Arrive early”; “4: Engage with co-panelists”; “5: Have a backup plan”

Slide 2: (1) Prepare & Practice: Prepare for a 15-minute presentation. The order of presentations is typically the order of panelists listed in the schedule. Time yourself and be respectful of time limits. After presentations, there will be time for Q&A with attendees. (2) Practice using Zoom and sharing your slide show, if using one. Be aware that attendees’ connections will vary, so sharing video/audio clips may not translate well to your audiences. Keep them brief, if necessary.

Slide 3: (3) Arrive Early for Set-Up: Log into your Zoom room about 10 minutes early to meet your moderator and fellow panelists and to get set-up, check your tech, and greet attendees. (4) When not presenting, consider connections that your work has with the other panelists and questions you might want to ask each other.

Slide 4: (5) Have a Backup Plan: Even the most prepared presenters may run into snags, so consider alternative approaches in case of presentation or media fails.